Welcome To Primate Expertise
Welcome To Primate Expertise
Based in Democratic Republic of Congo, Primate Expertise is dedicated to research, education and conservation on non-human primate with initiatives of local communities. Primate expertise aims to inspire young generation to take the lead in primatology
Currently partenerin with Wild Earth Allies, we are working in KBNP with its high altitude sector where we are strengthening Grauer's gorilla conservation with local communities around the park.
Our work has tree main pillars programs:
- Conservation Science
- Reforestation
- Livelihood
The overall objective of Primate Expertise is to promote conservation sustainability of non-human primates through education, research and outreach programs in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Our vision
Sustainable conservation of non-human primates is a priority concern in the Democratic Republic of Congo and is compatible with community development initiatives.
Establish a professional team of Primatologists studying non-human primates and suggesting holistic strategies to ensure their sustainable conservation while improving community livelihood among those living in proximity to their natural habitats
We promote conservation sustainability of non-human primates at KBNP
What we do
Grauer's gorilla conservation with local communities
We are doing research, conservation and education on non-human primates with communities living around the KBNP. New local universities are being created in the region, but very few teach wildlife-oriented courses and consequently very few young students are interested in wildlife sciences, including primatology. Due to this lack of interest, there is a great concern for the long-term survival of the rich and diverse non-human primate fauna of DR Congo.
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Categories Conservation science, Wildlife
Pendant trois jours, les étudiants de la Synergie des Éc...
Categories Conservation science, Wildlife
Dans les escarpements du groupement de Nyangezi, à l’es...
Categories Conservation science
Kahuzi-Biega National Park and surrounding community fores...
Categories Opportunity
[English] Job Opportunity! We're looking for a dynam...
Categories Community, Livelihood
Grâce à notre appui, 20 femmes pygmées des ménages dâ€...
Categories Reforestation
Primate Expertise reforestation project lunched few months...
Categories Community, Reforestation, Wildlife
Pour renforcer la conservation d’une petite population d...
Categories Community, Reforestation
A l’occasion de la Journée nationale de l’arbre célÃ...
Categories Community, Reforestation
To strengthen the conservation of Grauer's gorillas, Prima...
Categories Conservation science, Wildlife
Du 5 au 9 Aout 2022, Primate expertise et Wild Earth Allie...
Categories Non classé
Primate Expertise-Wild Earth Allies organized a 3-days #w...
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Primate Expertise en collaboration avec l'Institut Congola...
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Cinq jours de formation pour renforcer les capacités des...
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Dans son programme de conservation communautaire visant la...
Categories Community, Livelihood
In its Community Conservation Program for the Protection o...
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 The socio-economic development of pygmy indigenous peopl...
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Indigenous peoples today make up 15% of the most...
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Le développement socio-économique des peuples autochtone...
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Primate Expertise (PEx) celebrated the last International...
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Primate Expertise (PEx) est beaucoup touché par l’ample...
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The conservation program in Kahuzi-Biega National Park (...
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La conservation durable des primates non humains est en ha...
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La vie du peuple pygmée était étroitement liée à la f...
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Kahuzi-Biega Forest was the home of Batwa pygmies before i...
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Primate Expertise (PEx) is working with the community surr...
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Dr. Augustin K. BASABOSE, présentant les activités de re...
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Dr. Augustin K. BASABOSE, presenting the research and cons...
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A girl member of "root and shoot group" planting a seedlin...
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Pex's researchers in full evaluation In the year 2017, on...
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Les paysans transportent de planches pour la construction...
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In order to monitor elusive animal species that share the...
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En vue de pouvoir observer et inventorier les espèces ani...
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Deux garde parks du PNKB et une agent de PEX entrain d'exa...
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Deux garde parks du PNKB et une agent de PEX entrain d'exa...
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Membres d'une des associations trouvé lors de la visite...
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Le Professeur Dr Augustin K. Basabose, Directeur Exécutif...
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Dr. Augustin K. BASABOSE, presenting research and conserva...
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L'électricien entrain d'installer les panneaux solaires s...
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An electrician installing the solar panels on the roof of...
Categories Non classé
Les chercheurs de PEx en pleine évaluation L’an 2017,...